Manica Community Centre

Included in the FFH 20 community centers in Africa, sponsored by Architecture for Humanity, sfw and financed by FIFA.

The Manica Community Center was designed by Alina Jeronimo and Paulo Carneiro and built with local and environmentally friendly materials, forming a local team of 40 workers and integrating the local community in the development process and construction of the project.

The community center’s design evokes the local vernacular architecture. It was made a strong link between the building and its environment and through the material the earth structure becomes part of the cultural landscape. Furthermore, the concept is to combine and optimize local techniques with local materials, upgrading a local building culture based on masonry but improving it in terms of its mechanical resistance and environmental properties.

This minimize costs and maintains the main advantage, the use of local earth and its properties, such as thermal mass and water vapour permeability.

The design process of the building is a dynamic balance between environmental, cultural, social and economic features, which creates an unique expression of the local traditional aspects and knowledge, while being as well contemporary.


Community Centre

Manica, Mozambique


Architecture for Humanity, sfw, FIFA

José Forjaz (Architecture), BETAR (Engineering), Olivier Moles (Structures)

08/2011 – 09/2012

CEB Brick production:
02/2012 – 04/2012

09/2012 – 04/2013

200 sq.m + landscaping

earth (compressed earth blocks, plasters), wood, steel, bamboo, cyclopean concrete (foundations)

(Mozambique, earth architecture, sustainable architecture, compressed earth bricks, bamboo ceilings, participatory process)


Incluído nos centros comunitários FFH 20 na África, patrocinados pela Architecture for Humanity, sfw e financiados pela FIFA.

O Centro Comunitário de Manica foi projectado por Alina Jeronimo e Paulo Carneiro (que viveram 18 meses em Manica) e construído com materiais locais e ecológicos, formando uma equipa local de 40 trabalhadores e integrando a comunidade local no processo de desenvolvimento e construção do edifício.

O design do centro comunitário evoca a arquitetura vernácula local, através de uma forte ligação entre o edifício e o seu contexto, pelo material, a terra, passa a fazer parte da paisagem cultural. Além disso, o conceito é combinar e otimizar técnicas locais com materiais locais, valorizando uma cultura construtiva local baseada na alvenaria, mas aprimorando-a em termos de resistência mecânica e propriedades ecológicas.

Isso minimiza custos e mantém como principal vantagem, o aproveitamento da terra local e as suas propriedades, como massa térmica e permeabilidade ao vapor d’água.

O processo de design do edifício é um equilíbrio dinâmico entre as características ambientais, culturais, sociais e econômicas, que cria uma expressão única dos aspectos e conhecimentos tradicionais locais, sendo ao mesmo tempo contemporâneo.

ffh Manica community center Mozambique sustainable architecture earth architecture walls
ffh Manica community center Mozambique sustainable architecture Vumba Mountain
ffh Manica community center Mozambique arriving to community center
ffh Manica community center Mozambique sustainable architecture mason and family
FFH community center entrance door
bamboo shutters detail
bamboo ceilings and red earthen walls
bamboo ceilings and red earthen walls
bamboo ceilings and bamboo lamps red earthen walls
bamboo shutters
red earthen ceb walls with a worker
red earthen ceb walls with a worker
interior courtyard of Manica Community Center with community workers
detail of window and red bricks
FFH Manica Community Center
earthen red walls with pergola
earthen red walls with pergola
detail of window and red bricks
FFH Manica Community Center
earthen red walls with pergola
earthen red walls with pergola

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